IBS Intelligence: Increasing demands on cybersecurity as finance evolves

Increasingly, conversations stray from traditional finance to include the Metaverse and open finance.

While full implementation of these models is likely far off, early adopters already have begun using these systems. The recent rise in FinTech’s as a result, has posed a challenge for regulators and as these services continue to expand – cybersecurity must remain top of mind.

In this article for IBS Intelligence, Drawbridge CISO Simon Eyre says “The future is exciting but without the right protections, it can be dangerous too. If firms are to protect their assets and customers, they must build cybersecurity into the heart of their practices. Reaping the rewards of the FinTech boom means keeping firm control of your security risk.”

Simon highlights several best practices to help firms strengthen their cyber posture including:

  • Strengthening weak links through vulnerability management and penetration testing
  • Creating a cast-iron incident response plan
  • The importance of staff training
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